Saturday, January 28, 2012

Driving Safe from Hand Jahil

Jakarta situation is increasingly unsafe to make the drivers to be extra careful when driving. Therefore, it is not infrequent hold-up action or dispossession of the individuals is not responsible for the unsuspecting motorists, and often do great in crowded places. Therefore, there baikny you who often drive on the way to somewhere noticed the following tips, which are actually very sederhana.Sebelum leave the car in the parking lot, make sure all car doors locked and windows shut. This error is often done when someone parked in a place, consequently when returning the car has disappeared and he only regretted biia fate. Do not forget, though has been locked, check the vehicle again Anda.Hal second is to never open the windshield of your vehicle unless the pace is quite fast. Indeed, the atmosphere is hot plus car air conditioner that often die (or even not equipped by air conditioning device) often make a person open the glass to get fresh air. Avoid this, for the open windshield often encourage people who intend to do the hold-up evil. If closed, she dared not necessarily do so.

Do not leave valuables in the car sat out, or put these items in places that can be seen from outside the car. This should be considered especially for the mothers, who often put HP or bag containing the money on the seat or dashboard. This includes the use of cell phones when driving, especially when the car stopped at a red light. Besides can endanger other motorists (especially when driving), HP is the most attractive item for the mugger to launch the action.

Lastly, do not forget to bring safety equipment that can be used in an emergency. Objects such as wheel lock, pliers, wrench, baseball bat can be useful to defend yourself if one day you are forced to defend themselves from penodong.Saat stopped at intersections which are often vulnerable, try to keep a distance with the vehicle ahead. Thus, when besieged by criminals, you just step on the gas and leave the place. And if the person being followed, never stop in a quiet place because it will only endanger your own safety.

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